Sunday, 24 February 2013

Trend Alert: Sci-chedelic Makeup

Makeup Artist Pat McGrath Reveals Exclusive Images of Dior Spring 2013 Runway Makeup

this is a headline that I pay attention too! The images she released, were of course as fabulous as one would expect and, I am happy to announce, extremely bright! 

Pat McGrath's design. Swoon!
Along with Pat's design, my day was made even happier upon the discovery of these images from MAC. 

I was slightly disappointed when reading the fashion report I was reading said that these looks aren't an everyday look! I was appalled! SoI live in Melbourne, and while not everyone walks the streets with makeup so flamboyant, I and my fellow creatives, often find myself strolling through the city with many colours and all manner of adhesive sparkly objects stuck to my face. 

Be an individual and embrace it!

I am loving this Sci-chedelic look! Basically, if it looks a little futuristic or alien, you've got it! So it allows so much freedom of creativity! You can use what ever colours you live, whatever objects, do your eyebrows however you wish... Be creative!

So get out there! grab your coloured palettes and be as creative as you dare!



Wednesday, 6 February 2013

David Jones 2013 Autumn/Winter Launch Makeup Break Down

So today marks the launch of David Jones' Autumn/Winter line in Sydney. Now While, I'm no fashion aficionado, and I'll reserve my judgement on the garments until later, what I do know is makeup. 

First let me say, that I love these face charts! They are beautiful, very detailed, comprehensive and the artist should be delighted with end result. 

And while I do love Napoleon Perdis's work, and I envy my fellow makeup artists and their amazing work at fashion week and event such as this, I find that the looks produced, however suitable for the fashion line they were produced for, I found them a little plain. But that's just because I love color. 

Miranda Kerr, Samantha Harris and a host of modela rehearse for tonight's show. Picture: Szilvasi Attila Source:
Look at the women in the picture above, all gorgeous, with flawless makeup, the contouring and shades of eyes shadow are beautiful... But I would've loved to see some more vibrant lip color at the very least, maybe a Berry Lip stain etc. 

Mirranda Kerr
I look at Miranda Kerr's Gorgeous face, and I think, well, it doesn't need makeup anyway, because well, she's flawless. 

Then again, when I look at this terrible print, I think, hmm perhaps some bright and beautiful makeup would distract from the print. 

Napoleon, I just think, that perhaps next time, you should amp in up a bit! Eldiese your models! If you need any tips, come and see me. 

So that's my two cents. 

Until next time. 



Wednesday, 16 January 2013

The Wrong Kind Of Challenge

I am a person who likes a challenge, I say that and then I think... Hmm, do I really? Because realistically, if someone were to challenge me, i would get extremely defensive very quickly... By no fault of my own I think, but I'm sure many people would disagree, that's just the way I am.

I like to be challenged with certain things... for example, I like to challenge myself... push myself harder and be the best me I can be. I push myself at the gym, at work, constantly challenging my idea of who I should be.

The only time I like it when other people push me, is when I say it's ok. Meaning, that I like competition. I love it when people, say to me "You cant do that" because I take personal offence to that, and I make it my mission to prove them wrong. What I do not like, however, is people challenging my perception of myself. I have a friend who is constantly challenging me, challenging my perception of self, how I see myself, the words that come out of my mouth and the way I behave.

As much as I dont like being enlightened in regards to my flaws, I do find self improvement to be an essential part of life, and I appreciate her honesty. But when the things that she says to me hit so many nerves, one has to ask ones self... is it really worth it?

Right now, I say no... Because I am a little down in the dumps, I am questioning myself and why I am the way I am.

I am an extremely proud person, and I have huge double standards when it comes to myself and my friends and the way they treat me. I hate sympathy, and I hate people knowing that I'm sick or that there's something wrong and I would love to think that I am very good at hiding these emotions, but recently I was told that I'm very transparent when Im upset... at the very least because I'm so quiet  when somethings wrong.

This pride often frustrates people, as do my doubler standards because if I am ill, or theres something wrong, I wont tell anyone, I'll power through until I collapse in a heap at home or someone notices and makes me stop but if one of my friends was acting the way I do, then I would be there, looking after them, no complaints, no questions asked.

So when this behavior is challenged, I immediately go on the defensive, saying things like "I can't lose control", "I cant be weak". Which makes me wonder, why "Can't"? Why not "won't"? I think that this is mostly because if i sound like I can not under any circumstances do what is requested of me, then that's a great excuse... But if the simple fact of the matter is that i wont... then why wont I? Whats wrong with me that I wont let people look after me? That I wont change how I behave? 

The short answer is... I guess, I'm afraid... but of what? This is something that I am currently pondering, because I really have no idea, I cannot pin point one thing that I am afraid of that would make me so controlling... I can think of half a dozen.

- I don't want to end up back in Newcastle
- I don't want to be like my parents (not there's anything wrong with my mum being a stay at home mum) but I don't want that for myself. 
- I want to be a success 
- I don't want to be forgotten
- I want to leave the world with my imprint... knowing that I've made a difference.

But, I am starting to think that maybe it will be possible for me to achieve these goals without using the word can't, or wont, because I don't like the idea that I won't do things. My goal this year is to say yes (within reason), to people offering me help, to people telling me I need to slow down, to friends, to family, and not shut down and get defensive.

Lets see how it goes... 

xx E.  

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The Juggling Act

Wake up, Morning shift at the hospital, gym, makeup experiment, work on column, shower, make lunch for tomorrow, dinner, bed. Wake up, gym, afternoon shift at the hospital, burlesque performance, drinking, stumbling, bed. Wake up, Hungover, (on call at the hospital) work on column, makeup lesson, photo shoot, dinner with friends, home, bed. 

This is my life, it is constant, and never ending, don't get me wrong, its amazing, fun and exciting!

I am constantly asked "how do you fit it all in Eldiese?" This question is referring to my lifestyle, my extra curricular activities. My usually response "I don't sleep". 

Let me give you the run down of my life... I am a full time Scrub Nurse (meaning that I assist surgeons and help operate),  I am, of course, a makeup artist, I am writing a column for a Women's Fashion Art Magazine, I am constantly trying to develop, experiment and play around with my looks, as well as giving makeup lessons... I am a busy woman.

I am also studying this year, photography courses, writing courses, photo-shop courses, makeup seminars, i want to better myself always, educate myself, learn off my superiors and my peers. 

So my life is crazy! But I maintain that a healthy level of sleep deprivation is essential for my crazy creativeness! 

So i became the queen of juggling to cope with the life I lead, I'm sure I poss a lot of people off at work, particularly because I swap a lot of shifts, and am  constantly running out the door of a shoot, or the gym, or the hospital in order to get where I need to be next. 

Sometimes I don't see my housemates for days on end, weeks sometimes, I miss out on a lot of events, because I straddle two worlds... on the days that my colleagues have parties and dinners, ninety percent of the time i have a photo-shoot, or other commitments, I miss things,  I cant fly home to go to events that I want too attend, because I have to work or do makeup, or I simply cant afford it because a client hasn't paid me, or because I needed new makeup supplies. So I guess there is a sacrifice for the amazing life that I lead... I miss things. 

But you know what? With all the events that I miss, the in jokes that I'm not in on, the people that I piss off or disappoint... I wouldn't change my life for the world, because I am Eldiese, I love my life, the people, the color, the excitement. I love it all. 

So I became the Queen of Juggling. 

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

2012 - The Year That Was In By Eldiese Land

2012 was such a huge year for me! It was my first official year in business, and I have to say, I am extremely stoked with how it went!

So here's a visual recap of the year that was...

 I was head makeup artist on a fashion show for a Benefit to 
raise money for Lisa Marie, during which I met Megan Gale!

I got to work with American photographer Debbi Rotkowitz.

 Many many many photo shoots with the fabulous Matchless Snapshots

Countless creative concepts and shoots with some of my amazing friends 

 I was Head Makeup Artist for Model Success's Model Bonanza's. 

I won the title of VIPARO Makeup Artist of the Year and was flown to 
Sydney to shoot their 2012 look book.  

Black light body paint (enough said)

and many many many creative looks on myself!

So that about sums up my year! Needless to say, that I have done many more shoots, but these are my favorites and I am so looking forward to what 2013 has to offer me!